Sophie Kwak

Software Engineer

I am a Software Engineer with knowledge of web development.
I am a self-motivated software engineer who wants to make a difference and make a positive impact on the world. Let's make change together!

Let's Begin

My Portfolio

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Exercise Tracker App

An Exercise Tracker App built with MERN stack in which users can create a username, log, view, and delete exercises.

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Weather App

A Weather App built with react in which users can search their city and can see the next five days weather in every three hours of intervals.

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Chat App

Real-time, simultaneous chat app allows users to enter their names upon entering. Utilized for building this app.

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Personal Blog App

Build Blog App in which users can write, edit, and delete their posts on this full-stack personal blog app.

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JavaScript Quiz App

Build JavaScript Quiz App for JavaScript lovers and learners. JavaScript Quiz App has a total of five questions. Users can check how many marks they got at the end.

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COVID-19 Tracker

Build COVID-19 Tracker which shows the total number of people who got COVID-19 positive, recovered, and died.

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To-do List & Timer

Did you forget things to do and need some motivation to focus? This app allows users to make, delete, complete their list along with the timer

My Skills

These are some of my technical skills, some I feel more confident than others, but I’m constantly working on all these languages and new languages to improve.

HTML5 80%


Bootstrap 60%

Javascript (ES6+) 75%

React.js 70%

Node.js 60%

GitHub / Heroku 80%

MongoDB 65%

Wordpress / Wix 80%

Python 45%

Skills With Some Bits of Knowledge

C / PHP / jQuery / Swift

Hello, my name is Sophie

Super Positive, Compassionate, Curious

I’m a self-motivated Software Engineer and make things work at any cost. I have seven years of experience in planning, organizing, managing people and companies, as well as marketing, video-editing, and website-building. These experiences made me want to jump into the world of software engineering, and now I am a software engineer.

My passion lies in helping others, making positive impacts on the world, and I believe technology, software engineering is some of the key tools to make that happen fast and easy. I’m ready to make an impact, let’s work together!


If you have any questions about me or my work, please don't hesitate to contact me!